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The Day

“” The day started off early, my father and i drove out around 15 minutes past the Ningaloo reef on the boat until it was about 90 meters of water. We quickly got the Penn Slammer 4’s and 3’s rigged up with skirt poppers and send them out, as it saw alot of activity on the sounder. Within minutes we managed to hook up to a beautiful mahi but before I had even got it in I saw a sailfish grab another popper and jump out the water like a scary dolphin. My dad took that rod while I was fighting the mahi to get it in as quick as possible, double hook up like no other. After a fair fight going back and fourth, i finally got him in and quickly chucked him in the cooler to keep it fresh, then the main focus was the sailfish. After a fair few crazy jumps dad finally got him close to the boat, took a few pictures and sent him on his way.

Things slowed down for an hour or so and that’s when we changed two of the rods to garfish as trolling bait. Suddenly we hooked up again to a small marlin this time! Dad grabbed the rod and hauled it in (after a fair few runs and jumps). Once we let him go, things slowed down again for a fair bit as the day went on, we were relaxing and enjoying the afternoon, until one of the outriggers went off and I hopped on the rod, hung on for my life and boom! Popped out of the water, we saw a 2m+ black marlin jumping and flying, until the hook got unset and I lost the fish!
All in all it was a great day out on the water with dad creating memories, what fishing is all about. “”

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