Repairs & Spare Parts

Service & Repairs

Servicing and maintaining your reel and rod is essential, which will prolong it’s life span, ensuring that it continues to function with optimum performance. If you have any questions regarding this, please Contact Us.


How it Works

Step 1: Simply Contact Us with as much detail of product and what your in need for repairs or serviced. Once you have received an email back from us, continue to step 2.

Step 2: Package your reel or rod and send it to the address below. We suggest you keep a copy of your shipping tracking number just in case we need it.

Sarks Total Fishing
Attn. Service Team
PO Box 320
Castle Hill , NSW 1765

Step 3: Once your item arrives at STF, we will place your item in a queue. Once one of our highly skilled technicians assess the item, we will contact you via email. Our current turnaround time is up to 30 business days. Once approved and work completed, see step 4.

Step 4: Your item will be securely packaged and sent back in your hands within 2-7 business days.


Service Or Repair Charges

Charges depends on the item and what work requires for repairs or serviced. Contact Us for further pricing with providing as much detail as possible.

If we receive a very old model of item for a service or repair, we will decline your proposal.


Spare Parts

Spare parts of reels and rods can be purchased directly from STF. Simply Contact Us.

Our spare parts turnaround time is 2-7days, if the item is in stock.