Shark MAC on the STF FORTEX™
By Sarksin Mackerel Fishing
The Day
” It was a Wednesday morning and we had no plans, all we knew is that the weather was good and we were going to find new spots. So me and dad loaded up the boat at 5am in the morning and headed for a short drive just north of Perth metro, where both of us were ready for the mission ahead.
Sadly we searched for hours trying to find ground with no prevail. This is when I had enough and put on my faithful STF Fortex in the silver colour way in hopes of finding some shallow water (8-14m) praying for some demersals . So I grabbed my fortex out of my STF sling bag and tied it up on my medium setup and as soon as we hit the shallow water it was ON! The Fortex hit the bottom the baldies couldn’t resist. Possibly the best eating fish we can catch. Not only where the delicious colourful baldies on the chew but so where the skippy, pulling some line they where great fun working the jigs at a faster pace. How ever everything seem to go quiet…..
Suddenly birds began to circle all around us I jittered in excitement because I knew what was coming, the water all around us appeared as if it was bubbling with life. Bust-ups and bait balls surrounded our little tinny and I quickly threw out my Fortex and wound it in as quick as possible, then boom! A massive pelagic jumped out the water smashing my lure the first thought was I hooked a massive tuna. My drag started to scream peeling line off my reel.
After 10 minutes of pumping him in I realised it was this beast of a 95cm shark Mac my first this far south completely catching me off guard and making me ever more nervous about landing it dodging the prop my only fear was my leader I knew the quality hooks on the lure would hold but my 30lb line is much more risky. After a scuffle at the side of the boat the fish was hauled in and these beautiful pics were taken a sense of relief and achievement fell over thanks to STF i could land this fish and feed the family with some fish and chips for dinner ”
Gear Used
Reel: 5000 Shimano Stradic FM
Rod: Cceans Legacy Slow Element Pe3
Line: Pe 2.5 Siglon Braid And 30fc Leader
Lures: STF Silver Fortex 40g
Apparel: STF Pro Hooded Fishing Shirt
Angler Jack Gibson